Nelson, Leif, 234–35
Networking, 34–60
benefits from, 30, 46–50
contagion of giving, 56–58
dormant ties, 50–54
energy network map, 52–53
giver networks, operation of, 46–50, 52–56
and givers, 31, 41–58
karmic moments, 46–50
and matchers, 43–44, 45
online. See Social networks
Reciprocity Ring, 239–45
reconnecting over time, 46–54
and takers, 29–30, 43–46, 56
takers, recognizing, 34–38
Newmark, Craig, 216–17
New Show, The, 62
Nordgren, Loran, 86–87
Norton, Michael, 183, 234–35
Not Necessarily the News, 85
Nowak, Martin, 198–99
Oakley, Barbara, 157
Obama, Barack, and Reggie Love, 94–95
Odenkirk, Bob, 93
Office, The, 63
Ogilvie, Bruce, 121
Olajuwon, Hakeem, 115n
Omine, Carolyn, 64, 76, 86, 92–93
106 Miles, 42, 49, 52, 56
Opower, 238
Optimal distinctiveness theory, 233–34
Oshinsky, David, 79–80, 82
Other-interest, as motivation of givers, 156–58
Otherish approaches
chunking versus sprinkling, 170–75
Freecycle as, 223–24
generous tit for tat, 198–201
giver motivation, 157–58, 169–79
negotiation strategy, 205–9, 211–15
and resilience, 179
in writing, 170n
Overbrook High School (Philadelphia), 158–62, 176
Owen, David, 61–62, 65–66
PandaWhale, 41
Park, Joyce, 41–42, 48–49
Parker, Andrew, 52–53
Parker, Sean, 31
Parker, Sharon, 76
Patterson, Ray, 115n
Pausch, Randy, 199
Payne, Don, 75, 86
PayNearMe, business pitch for, 1–5, 8–9
Pelham, Brett, 229
Pennebaker, James, 136–37, 170n