Hillbilly Elegy

(Rick Simeone) #1

Lindsay failed to do the dishes properly,
or forgot to take out the dog, and Mom’s
anger poured out: “My dad was the only
one who really understood me!” she’d
scream. “I’ve lost him, and you’re not
making this any easier!” Mom had
always had a temper, though, so I
dismissed even this.
Mom seemed bothered that anyone
but her was grieving. Aunt Wee’s grief
was unjustified, because Mom and
Papaw had a special bond. So, too, was
Mamaw’s, for she didn’t even like
Papaw and chose not to live under the
same roof. Lindsay and I needed to get
over ourselves, for it was Mom’s father,
not ours, who had just died. The first

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