Hillbilly Elegy

(Rick Simeone) #1

The doctor told us that without the
ventilator Mamaw would die within
fifteen minutes, an hour at most. She
lasted instead for three hours, fighting to
the very last minute. Everyone was
present—Uncle Jimmy, Mom, and Aunt
Wee; Lindsay, Kevin, and I—and we
gathered around her bed, taking turns
whispering in her ear and hoping that she
heard us. As her heart rate dropped and
we realized that her time drew near, I
opened a Gideon’s Bible to a random
passage and began to read. It was First
Corinthians, Chapter 13, Verse 12: “For
now we see through a glass, darkly; but
then face to face: now I know in part; but
then shall I know even as also I am

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