The Book of Joy

(Rick Simeone) #1

the twentieth century. The generations of the twenty-first century will
have to find the solutions for them.”
“I mean, people are fundamentally compassionate,” the Archbishop
said, coming back to one of his core points.
The Dalai Lama jumped in. “Yes. That is the basis of our hope.”
“I am speaking,” the Archbishop shot back, playfully.
The Dalai Lama laughed.
“Even the most selfish person,” the Archbishop continued, “must have
a modicum of compassion for his family. So we’re not speaking about
something alien. We are saying that we have discovered that we are
“Actually, Archbishop,” I said, trying to bring our focus back to the
topic, “this question is for people who feel that interdependence
profoundly and are so compassionate that it makes them world-sick and
heartsick. This person wants to know how she can find joy in her life
while there are so many who are suffering.”
“Yes. Very good,” he said, looking down and reflecting on the
question. “As an old man, I can say: Start where you are, and realize that
you are not meant on your own to resolve all of these massive problems.
Do what you can. It seems so obvious. And you will be surprised,
actually, at how it can get to be catching.
“There are very many, many people—I mean, my heart leaps with joy
at discovering the number of people—who care. How many people
walked in New York City for the environment? I mean, it was incredible.
Nobody was going to pay them anything. But there they were in droves.
There are many, many people who care. And you will be surprised when
you begin to say, Well, I would like to do something relating to the aged.
You will be surprised at the number people who come forward and want
to help. Why are there so many NGOs? I mean, it is people who say, We
want to make a better world. We don’t have to be so negative.
“Hey, remember you are not alone, and you do not need to finish the
work. It takes time, but we are learning, we are growing, we are becoming
the people we want to be. It helps no one if you sacrifice your joy because
others are suffering. We people who care must be attractive, must be

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