The Book of Joy

(Rick Simeone) #1

organizations from all parts of the world have helped us, and because of
their kindness and compassion, you have the opportunity to study here.
And so you should really work hard in your studies. We are going through
a very difficult period in our history, but we have such a rich culture and
language. So whether you are monastics or laypeople, you should take
great interest in preserving and promoting this culture through education.
Our culture should not just be in a museum. All around the world people
are facing lots of difficulties and our culture can help the world.
“Today, the main guest is Archbishop Tutu and not me.”
The Archbishop put on his headset microphone, which had a little wire
along his cheek and fit snugly around his ears. “I look like Bono now,
don’t I?” he said with a laugh as his microphone was being adjusted.
“Your Holiness, and all of you very, very beautiful children. Some of
you are not really children. It is such a great, great honor and privilege to
be here. All of us are very, very, very, very proud and privileged to be
here in Dharamsala.” The Archbishop turned to the Dalai Lama and said,
“You are beloved throughout the world.” He then turned back to the
attentive faces of the children.
“And we want to say to you, young people especially, it might not
seem possible that you will one day return to a free Tibet. We in South
Africa for many, many years lived under a system of injustice and
oppression. And many, many of our leaders and people, young people,
went into exile. And it seemed like the chains of oppression would never
be broken, that our leaders who were on Robben Island, the prison, would
never come home alive. But yow—ha-ha!”
The audience laughed as the Archbishop let out a yelp followed by a
triumphant cheer. “But it happened. It happened. In 1990, our beloved
Nelson Mandela and others were released from prison. And the exiles
came back home.” The Archbishop stretched out his arms as if in an
embrace to welcome them home. Then he spoke with the force of
righteousness and was transformed into the prophet that he had been in
South Africa, seer of the future, willing it with his words. “One day you,
too, all of you, will see your beloved Tibet. You will be free from the
oppression that has driven you to here. The Chinese government will

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