The Book of Joy

(Rick Simeone) #1

We would like to begin by thanking former chair of the Dalai Lama Foundation James Doty,
MD, who first suggested the idea of a joint book at Leah Tutu’s eightieth birthday party. It was
immediately apparent what the topic would be: joy. The book itself and our time together in
Dharamsala has indeed been a true joy, and we want to thank all who have made it possible.
We give thanks for our extraordinary editors and publishers, who are taking joy out to the
world and who work so tirelessly to publish books that will make our world the kind of place
that we all know it can be: Mauro Palermo, Vanda Ohnisková, Tiiu Kraut, Pernille Follmann
Ballebye, Henrikki Timgren, Patrice Hoffman, Florent Massot, Ulrich Genzler, Jakob Mallmann,
Adam Halmos, Artem Stepanov, Paolo Zaninoni, Talia Markus, Julia Kwon, Heleen Buth,
Halfdan Freihow, Knut Ola Ulvestad, Damian Warszawski, Anastasia Gameza, Marija Petrovic,
Martin Vydra, Laura Alvarez, Carlos Martinez, Claes Eriksson, Yunyi Wu, Yingyi Yeh, Alex
Hsu, Jocasta Hamilton, Susan Sandon, Megan Newman, Brianna Flaherty, Andrea Ho, Justin
Thrift, and Caroline Sutton. We would especially like to thank Caroline, who worked on many
drafts of the manuscript to make sure that this book truly conveyed not only our words but also
our hearts.
We also want to thank our devoted and talented foreign rights agents, who have worked so
hard to make sure our book found its way to the right publishers: Chandler Crawford, Jo
Grossman, Mary Clemmey, Peter Fritz, Erica Berla, Zoe Hsu, Gray Tan, Trine Licht, Kristin
Olson, Maribel Luque, Maru de Montserrat, Jennifer Hoge, Ludmilla Sushkova a Sushkova,
Vladimir Chernyshov, Sue Yang, Jackie Yang, Efrat Lev, Deborah Harris, Eliane Benisti, Filip
Wojciechowski, Marcin Biegaj, and our much missed and still cherished Lynn Franklin. We
would especially like to thank our gifted translators.
We’d also like to thank Tenzin Taklha, Chhime Rigzing, Kaydor Aukatsang, and Ken
Norwick at the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Dalai Lama Trust for their help in
creating this project and in arranging everything so skillfully for our time in Dharamsala. Their
extraordinary sense of responsibility and their efforts on our behalf were essential to the success
of this project.
We would also like to thank Tsewang Yeshi, Ngodup Wangdu Lingpa, and their colleagues
at the Tibetan Children’s Villages for hosting the eightieth birthday celebration and for all they
do on behalf of so many children who are in need of love as well as learning.
We would like to thank the film crew and support team that made our dialogue in
Dharamsala possible and recorded it so we could share it with others: Tenzin Choejor, Chemey
Tenzin, Tenzin Phuntsok, Lobsang Tsering, Ven. Lobsang Kunga, Don Eisenberg, Jason
Eksuzian, Juan Cammarano, Zachary Savitz, Miranda Penn Turin, Andrew Mumm, Michael
Matkin, Lara Love Hardin, Siby Veliath, Satbir Singh, Jesse Abrams, Lama Tenzin, Michele
Bohana, Pat Christen, Shannon Sedgwick Davis, John and Ann Montgomery, Scott and Joanie
Kriens, Joe Lombardo, Matt Grey, Don Kendall, Rudolph Lohmeyer, Niko von Huetz, and
Lloyd Sutton. We would especially like to thank Peggy Callahan, who produced the event and
is working to turn the footage into a documentary. She made sure that not only did everything
run like clockwork, and not only did the international team work together smoothly, but with

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