First Quarter Module in Journalism 9

(Ellen Jane Ragasa) #1
What’s New

Directions: The following are important things to follow in writing a script for
radio. Read carefully and examine every item below.

What is radio script?

▪ It is framework for your story.
▪ It brings together the most important elements, and helps your
audience the significance of the points the people you have
interviewed have made.

Things to Remember in Radio Scriptwriting

Double or triple space-typewrite all lines and paragraphs.
Type copy in big letter so the newscaster can easily read it.
All spoken lines should be type in big and small letters.
All instructions and non-spoken lines should be typed in big or
capital letters.
Provide phonetic spelling.
Speech has rhythm and should be kept in mind when writing a
radio script.
A radio script should display an element of “newness”
Key repetitive statements help the listener get the message.
In sentence structure, keep the subject close together and use
active rather than the passive voice of verb.

Basic Process in Radio Scriptwriting

Get a good briefing, know your listener.
Do research about the topic.
Prepare content outline.
Write the first draft.
Read it aloud. Time the material.
Visualize the script.
Review the script.
Revise for the style, timing and accuracy. 10476106
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