First Quarter Modules in Radio Broadcasting

(Ellen Jane Ragasa) #1
What’s More

Directions: Identify what is being referred to by each of the following
statements. Choose your answer from the word pool below:

  1. It examined the applications for licenses to operate radio, allocated
    band frequencies, and conducted inspections for the office of the
    secretary of commerce and industry.

  2. He was known as the father of Philippine broadcasting who attended
    the international Telecommunications Union (ITU) in 194 7 , held in
    Atlantic City in the US.

  3. The first two “call signs” assigned to all radios in the Philippines in
    accordance with the Laws of United States of America.

  4. The number of commercial radio stations that were being established
    during the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

  5. They provided shortwave relay stations in the Philippines and beamed
    to the five radio stations in Manila and to the radio stations in Cebu.

  6. The call assigned to some radio stations in 1944 that are considered as
    temporary relay stations.

  7. He organized radio station using 5-watt transmitter in 1924 and later
    worked with Radio Corporation of the Philippines.

  8. A broadcast media organization in the Philippines founded in 1973
    which provides its members broadcasting standards.

  9. It is a set of standards of performance and ethics which are followed
    by radio and television stations.

  10. It is an attached agency of the Department of Information and
    Communication Technology responsible for the supervision,
    adjudication and control over all telecommunications services

Francisco ‘Koko” Trinidad Radio Control Board
Henry Herman six
United States Broadcast code
National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) Japanese
Kapisan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP) Nine
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