First Quarter Modules in Radio Broadcasting

(Ellen Jane Ragasa) #1

Directions: The following are rules in writing headlines for a radio
broadcast. Study each carefully and be able to apply these for the next tasks
to be done.

What is It

 Make your headline answer as many W’s as possible.
 The headline should summarize the new story. It should
contain nothing that is not found in the story.
 Positive heads are preferable to negative ones.
 Put a verb expressed or implied in every omit articles like a, an
and the and all forms of verb to be (is, are, be ), unless needed to
make the meaning clear
Reclaimed banks are causes of recurrent flood (are before causes
is not necessary)
The active verb is better than the passive verb in headlines.
Example: Studes receive incentives from school,
But, for variations, and especially when the doer is unknown or
not prominent, the passive verb may be used.
Clean up drive launched.
Use the present tense for past stories and infinitive form for
future stories.
President Duterte donates his salary to Mindanao’s war victims.
Mayors to attend conference with the president.


Do’s in Headline Writing

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