First Quarter Modules in Radio Broadcasting

(Ellen Jane Ragasa) #1

1 Headlines should answer the WH questions.^

2 A good headline must catch listeners’ attention to hear
more about news to follow.

3 The substitute word and in a headline is semi colon.^

4 Use the present perfect tense of verb for past news stories.^

5 In headline writing, coining of words is allowed.^

6 Headlines should be short but full of information or facts.^

7 Giving comments or opinions on headlines are acceptable.^

8 Eliminate all forms of to be verbs in writing headlines
unless necessary to complete the meaning of the sentence.

9 Passive form of verb may be used when the doer is not

10 Always write positive headlines.^

11 Two related thoughts in a headline should be separated by

12 A headline is a title of news story through attention
grabbing lines.

13 Double quotation marks are used in headlines.^

14 Use just a few words in headlines.^

15 Do not use heads that carry double meaning.^

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