Best Practice Book for IELTS Writing

(Axel Boer) #1

atreehadfallen ontop ofthehouseandallthewindowswerebroken.Fortunatelythe
insurancecoveredthecost oftherepairs, butitwasstillvery upsetting.

Isupposeyou havetothink positivelyinsituations like this and look at the

opportunity you havetoimproveyour house-giveitanewlook.Ifwecan doanything
foryouintheholidays,we'd be happyto help.

Drop usalineandletusknow.Bestwishes

Sample 42

Yourecently visitedaplacethathadastrongimpactonyou.
Write a letter to a friend about theplace.Inyourletter

explainwhere the place was andhowyougotthere




I have just returned from my holidays inFrance and while we were there we
climbed a mountain called 'Parleman' inthe French Alps. We were able to drive
bootsand beganthelong uphillstruggle.Despiteoftheroadatthe begining,it still
tookusa while tocompletethe climbbutit was wellworththe effort.When we gotto
the top of the mountain, the view wasincredible. I could see right across the
town and the lake toone side, and on the othersidewerethesnow-coveredpeaksof

MontBlanc.Itwassimply breathtaking.

Asyou know,weoften gotoFranceonour holidaysand nexttimeweplanatrip,I'd
exercise, youwould beabletotakeadvantageofallthemountainwalks.

Ihopeto hearfromyousoon.

Sample 43

Yourecentlytookapart-timejobworking for a local company. After afew
weeks, yourealisedthereweresomeproblemswiththejob.


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