PHOTOGRAPHS SUPPLIED``````runners for distances up to21.1km). I worked out twicea week at my local gym, andwalked and ran the parkrunevery Saturday.The transition from walkingto running was challengingat irst. I thought runningwasnât for me, because in thebeginning I felt like stoppingafter just the irst kilometre. Butin time, I began to feel morecomfortable doing it.``````THE REWARDI joined a running club in 2016,and in that same year I inishedmy irst marathon. Since then,Iâve completed ive more ofthose, and two ultra marathons.Running literally saved mylife: I donât have to take chronicmedication any more, I feelenergetic and good aboutmyself, and Iâm stronger anditter than ever before. Mycircle of friends has expandedsince I joined a running club.And the fact that I nevergave up has given me theopportunity to inspire others tostart running.
- AS TOLD TO LISA ABDELLAHTHE WAKE-UPI blacked out while I wasdriving my car. Not only wasit a scary experience; it wasdangerous , because it couldhave caused a fatal accident.Worried about my health,I went for a medical check-up, which revealed I hadhypertension, high cholesteroland borderline diabetes â theresult of poor diet and lack ofactivity.My doctor prescribed chronicmedication; but I knew that inorder to prevent a black outfrom happening again, I wouldalso have to lose weight andstart living a healthier lifestyle.THE SHAKE-UPI started an OptiFit programme(a safe and scientic exerciseprogramme that preparesFabian CollinsAge: 50Home Town:Kuils RiverHeight:1.67mOccupation:MaintenanceContractorTime Required:3 YearsThen:112kgNow:82kg
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)