
(Jacob Rumans) #1

they can help you throw back the duvetand hit the streets – and maybe even bepsyched to do so.Let that light shine in. Three mainfactors affect your chronotype, or yournatural sleep-wake schedule, says KristinEckel-Mahan, PhD, a University of Texasresearcher who specialises in circadianrhythms: age, genetics, and light. You canchange only one of those. Among the bestways to naturally wake up and graduallyshift your chronotype earlier is to exposeyourself to natural light. The body evolvedto sleep and wake with the sun, and byletting the sunrise pour into your room –or by using a light-simulating alarm clock,or at worst by switching on all the lights –you’ll be able to rise with (more) ease.``````Don’t hit snooze. That extra rest youthink you’re getting actually keeps you ina not-quite-awake, not-quite-asleep state –the worst of both worlds. Instead, put youralarm clock across the room, and forceyourself to get up on the first ring. Four-timeUS trail-running national champion MeganRoche, who would wake up at 3am to runwhile juggling medical school and training,says her rule is to never, ever snooze. “Nomatter how tired she was,” says husband(and running coach) David Roche, “shewould never hit it. If you know that optionis open, you’re going to take it.”``````Ignore your electronic BF. “The phoneis a major problem for morning runs,” saysMario Fraioli, running coach and authorof The Morning Shakeout. “I have athleteswho say they want to run at 7, but actuallyrun at 7:20 because they’re on their phonesfor 20 minutes.” Issue yourself a challenge:the second you wake up, stash your phoneunder your pillow. Leave it there whileyou’re getting dressed, making coffee,warming up. Take it on your run if youmust, but don’t go scrolling until you’reback. Checking email – or at least Insta –can be your reward when you’re done.``````Grab liquid courage. Hydrating beforeyou run is a given, but instead of standingat the sink and downing a glass of plainH 2 O, get creative. Prep some ice water withfreshly-squeezed lemon, or hot tea with ahit of ginger or cayenne pepper – whateversounds refreshing or energising to you.

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