
(Jacob Rumans) #1

Create the Perfect Recovery BreakfastPick from each column, starting on the left (carbs! Your base)andworkright.Yournumberofpossiblemealcombos: 7776.DO THEFIRSTMEALR IGHTPost-morning run, treat yourselfto a generous, healthy, deliciousbreakfast. Why? Studies show thatthose who eat a big morning mealgenerally eat less throughout theday than those who forgo breakfast.Refuelling after a run is also vital; skipit, and your body is deprived of essentialnutrients to build fitness, and yourenergy tanks. Plus, a mouthwateringbreakfast creates the reward responsein your brain that leads to moremorning running.The ideal meal, says Stephanie HoweViolett, a champion ultra runner whoholds a PhD in nutrition, has carbs toreplenish fuel, protein to build muscle,fat to help absorption, and f lavourbecause... duh. Use her mix-and-matchchart at right to nail it all.### CARB FRUIT OR### VEGGIE### PROTEIN H E A LT H Y### FAT### EXTRASSWEETPOTATO BERRIES EGG AVOCADO DRIED FRUIT``````OATS``````GREENS(spinach,kale, chard,broccoli)``````PLAINYOGHURT``````NUTBUTTER``````SPICES(cinnamon,nutmeg, blackpepper, cumin)``````TOAST MARROWBABY``````NUTS(wa l n u t s ,almonds,hazelnuts)``````BUTTEROR GHEE``````SEEDS(chia, flax,sesame, hemp)``````BANANA BEETROOT BLACK BEANS``````CHEESE(cheddar,ricotta, creamcheese)``````HONEY ORMAPLE SYRUP``````WAFFLE PEPPERBELL SALMON OLIVE OIL``````FRESH HERBS(coriander,basil, mint)``````QUINOA TOMATO``````MILK(2% ornon-dairy)``````COCONUTOIL GRANOLA

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