First Quarter Module in Journalism 9 (Radio Broadcasting )

(Ellen Jane Ragasa) #1

Directions: Read and study the following important points about headlines
and some tips to help you create better heads in news articles for your radio

What’s New

Headline “sells” stories to readers, viewers and listeners through
attention grabbing lines. Furthermore, it attracts the listeners’ attention
and leaves them want to know more on the information. Now read the
tips in writing headline in radio broadcasting

Tips for Writing Better Headlines

A good headline can stop listeners from switching off their radios and
get them to lean closer to hear more. Headlines work hard: with just a
few words, they hook listeners, hint at what’s coming up later on the
show, and provide just enough information to understand the story.
Headlines should be both brief and jam-packed with facts. To help
with the difficult task of writing headlines, the International Journalists
Network (IJNET) has published a short guide that includes the following

  • Know your platform. Broadcast, print, web, and social media
    headlines have different tones and constraints.

  • Know your audience. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes, then
    write the headline from a perspective they can relate to.

  • Be straightforward. Headlines should tell the story and include
    the main ideas, not withhold them.

  • Word choice matters. You can interest more people by using
    verbs in your writing headlines full of nouns and adjectives.

  • Do not depend on context. Assume your potential readers have
    little to no knowledge about your article’s topic. Then ask yourself:
    would they be able to understand this headline?

  • Grammar is important. Some special grammatical rules apply
    when writing headlines.
    Does your headline have TACT? Check for Taste, Attractiveness,
    Clarity, and Truth.

What is a headline?

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