100 organic skin care recipes _ make your own fresh and fabulous organic beauty products ( PDFDrive )

(Angelo) #1

What you will need: knife, cutting board, cloth bag, tea ball or
cheesecloth and string

  1. To Make: Draw a bath. Put the sea salt into the tub. Place the hibiscus
    into the cloth bag and toss into the tub. Slice the orange into rounds. Add
    the carrier oil if you desire the added moisture. When the tub is full, add
    the oranges and rose petals, if desired, to the water and swish around.

  2. To Store: Plan to make this fresh for each use.

  3. To Use: Get in the tub and soak for at least 20 minutes, or longer to
    enjoy maximum therapeutic benefits of the active botanical ingredients.
    When you are finished soaking, rinse off in the shower to remove the
    sweat and toxins you released as you bathed. After a bath is also the
    perfect time to use a body scrub, as your skin is softened and easily
    exfoliated. The Valencia Coffee Scrub from Chapter 4 is ideal. Follow
    with moisturizer if desired.

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