Angel Soak for Cold and Flu
This all-natural, therapeutic bath soak helps to relieve symptoms such as
congestion, body aches, chills, sore throat, headaches, tension, stiffness,
and many other signs of common colds and flus. The spices and the heat
of the bath will make you sweat, in a good way! The sweating draws out
toxins, pollutants, and impurities from your body. The detoxification
process will continue after the bath, so be sure to drink lots of healthy
fluids and pure clean water. This bath will also help relieve dry, itchy skin.
This batch is large enough so you can have it on hand for the cold and flu
YIELDS: 1 quart
4 cups Epsom salts
⁄ cup ground ginger 1⁄ teaspoons ground cloves 1⁄ teaspoons
ground cinnamon ⁄ cup sweet almond 18 drops eucalyptus
essential oil
14 drops peppermint essential oil
What you will need: measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowl,
wooden spoon, 2 pint jars or 1 quart jar with lid
- To Make: Place the Epsom salts, ginger, cloves, and cinnamon in the
mixing bowl and stir together with the spoon. Thoroughly disperse the
ground spices throughout the salt. Add the sweet almond oil a little at a
time, stirring in between. Next, add the essential oils, a little at a time,
stirring in between. Break up any oily clumps with the back of the spoon,
stirring until a uniform blend has been achieved.