100 organic skin care recipes _ make your own fresh and fabulous organic beauty products ( PDFDrive )

(Angelo) #1

  1. To Make: Place the sea salt in the bowl and stir in the sweet almond oil.
    Next, blend in the baking soda, oat flour, and Epsom salts. Add the
    essential oils in intervals, stirring in between, until all of the essential oils
    are mixed into the salts.

  2. To Store: Store in a sealed jar labeled with contents and expiration date
    of 6 months.

  3. To Use: Draw a bath. When the tub is full, add ⁄ cup or the desired
    amount of bath salts to the water and swish around. Add any optional
    embellishments from the sidebar on the following page. Get in the tub
    and soak for at least 20 minutes, or longer to enjoy maximum therapeutic
    benefits of the active botanical ingredients. When you are finished
    soaking, rinse off in the shower to remove the sweat and toxins you
    released as you bathed. After a bath is also the perfect time to use a body
    scrub (see Chapter 4), as your skin is softened and easily exfoliated.
    Follow with moisturizer if desired.

Skincare Secrets

Use this recipe as a base and choose one or more of these additions
to make your bath extra special. Add a scoop of Ideal Luxury Bath
blend to the water and supplement one or more ingredients from the
list below. Note: The following additions are meant as a per-bath
addition and should not be incorporated into the recipe above.

1   cup full-fat    milk    (soy,   coconut,    or  dairy)
1 cup yogurt
Petals from a blooming rose or other edible flowers


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