What you will need: kettle, large saucepan, spoon, strainer, quart jar,
spray bottle
- To Make: Boil 4 cups of water in the saucepan. Remove from heat and
add the herbs and tea, stirring with a spoon to moisten thoroughly. Let
the infusion steep for 15–20 minutes. Strain the herbs from the brew and
pour into the jar. Place in the fridge and cool completely, 15–20 minutes.
Once the brew has cooled, add the aloe vera and essential oil. Seal the lid
tightly and shake well to blend. - To Store: Pour some of the mixture into a spray bottle. Reserve the
remainder in the jar. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. - To Use: Shake before use. Spray affected areas as desired. Soak a soft
cloth and apply as a compress for 10–15 minutes to affected areas.
If you do not have access to fresh peppermint, chamomile, loose leaf
yerba mate, or loose leaf green tea, substitute tea bags: 1
peppermint, 1 chamomile, 1 yerba mate, 1 green tea. Make sure the
tea bags contain only the pure herb, without any flavorings or
additional blended herbs.