100 organic skin care recipes _ make your own fresh and fabulous organic beauty products ( PDFDrive )

(Angelo) #1

Green Tea and Adzuki Cleansing Grains

Traditional Asian   facial  cleansing   grains, like    this    one,    use adzuki  beans
that gently exfoliate without damaging the surface of the skin. In addition,
green tea is a powerful antioxidant that helps rejuvenate the skin, prevent
and repair sun damage, and promote elasticity. And the healing powers
of chamomile calm and soothe redness and irritation.

YIELDS: 1 pint

⁄ cup adzuki beans ⁄ cup green tea leaves ⁄ cup chamomile
flowers ⁄ cup brown rice flour ⁄ cup kaolin clay What you will
need: coffee grinder, mixing bowl, fine-meshed sieve, pint-size
canning jar with lid, spice jar with sifter cap, optional

  1. To Make: Before you begin, find a protective face mask, or tie a
    bandana to cover your nose and mouth, to avoid breathing the powders.
    Next, put the adzuki beans, green tea, and chamomile into the jar, close
    the lid, and shake. Fill a coffee grinder with the mixture and grind to a
    very fine powder. Place the sieve over the mixing bowl. Empty the
    grinder into the sieve. Carefully sift the powder into the bowl. Put
    anything that doesn’t sift through back into the grinder and leave the
    powder in the bowl. Fill the grinder with the adzuki, tea, and chamomile
    mixture. Repeat until all of the mix has been ground, discarding any
    woody bits that won’t grind down. Next, sift the brown rice flour into the
    bowl and discard any larger rice grains. Carefully put the powders into
    the canning jar and add the kaolin clay. Close the lid tightly and shake
    well to blend to a uniform powder. Let stand for 5 minutes or so, letting
    the dust settle into the jar.


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