Exhibition Catalogue

(FPConservatory) #1


Hanging By A Limb | Acrylic, paper mache, clear coat | 2021
Up Rooted | Acrylic, clear coat | 2021

“Hanging by a Limb is 3-D textured and acrylic art that tries to capture the essence of those in our communities who dare to
coexist yet struggle to get along. With good intention, the goal is to hang in there and not give up. Our country is worth the fight!
Uprooted. Gentrifi*cation: The process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in,
improving housing, and attracting new businesses, typically displacing current inhabitants in the process.This acrylic
monochrome painting is enhanced with a colorful and lively tree which displays (as you look closely at the roots) the
biomimicry of people of color as they struggle while forcibly being up-rooted from their homes and community.
Each leaf that falls and is caught, represents hope toward their next phase of life.”
-Stacy Spenser

Stacy Spencer, native of Columbus, Ohio since 1962, is the mother of a beautiful daughter, a sister to a beautiful
sister and relative to many and tries to be a friend to all. Stacy retired from the Federal Government in 2011 and
is currently serving as a chaplain in an adult male, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections. She’s strong
in her faith, loves the great outdoors, enjoys people, gardening, painting and crafts. She hopes to meet you one day
to share a smile.

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