536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1
Magic Star Puzzles 145

Can you form a magic square with
all the columns, rows, and two long
diagonals, adding up alike, with the
numbers I to 25 inclusive, placing
only the odd numbers on the shaded
squares in our diagram, and the even
numbers on the other squares? There
are a good many solutions. Can you
find one of them?


There is something very fascinating
about star puzzles. I give an example,
taking the case of the simple five-
pointed star. It is required to place a
different number in every circle so that
the four circles in a line shall add up
to 24 in all the five directions. No
solution is possible with ten consecu-
tive numbers, but you can use any
whole numbers you like.


We have considered the question of
the five-pointed star. We shall now
find the six-pointed star even more
interesting. In this case we can always
use the twelve consecutive numbers
I to 12 and the sum of the four num-
bers in every line will always be 26.
The numbers at the six points of the
star may add up to any even number
from 24 to 54 inclusive, except 28 and
50, which are impossible. It will be
seen that in the example I have given
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