536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1
176 Combinatorial & Topological Problems

you exchange black number 3 with 4,
or with 5, or with 6, you get different
necklaces. But if you exchange 3 with
7 it will be the same as 3 with 5, be-
cause it is merely turning the necklace
over. So we have to beware of count-
ing such repetitions as different. The
answer is a much smaller one than
the reader may anticipate.


In how many different ways can the ever appearing together? Of course
letters in the word EFFERVESCES similar letters, such as FF, have no
be arranged in a line without two E's separate identity, so that to inter-
change them will make no difference.




When the reader has done this he
should try the case where the letters
have to be arranged differently in a
circle, as shown, with no two E's to-
gether. We are here, of course, only
concerned with the order of the letters
and not with their positions on the
circumference, and you must always
read in a clockwise direction, as indi-
cated by the arrow.


Here we have twenty tiles, all colored with the same four colors, and the
order of the coloring is indicated by the shadings: thus, the white may repre-
sent white; the black, blue; the striped, red; and the dotted, yellow.
The puzzle is to select any sixteen of these tiles that you choose and arrange
them in the form of a square, always placing similar colors together-white
against white, red against red, and so on. It is quite easy to make the squares

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