536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1
6 Arithmetic & Algebraic Problems

apples, went to market and sold all theu apples at the same price, and each
received the same sum of money. What was the price?


A man left legacies to his three sons and to a hospital, amounting in all to
$1,320.00. If he had left the hospital legacy also to his first son, that son
would have received as much as the other two sons together. If he had left it
to his second son, he would have received twice as much as the other two sons
together. If he had left the hospital legacy to his third son, he would have re-
ceived then thrice as much as the first son and second son together. Find the
amount of each legacy.


A man bequeathed a sum of money, a little less than $1,500.00, to be
divided as follows: The five children and the lawyer received such sums that
the square root of the eldest son's share, the second son's share divided
by two, the third son's share minus $2.00, the fourth son's share plus $2.00,
the daughter'S share multiplied by two, and the square of the lawyer's fee all
worked out at exactly the same sum of money. No dollars were divided, and
no money was left over after the division. What was the total amount


A man left $100.00 to be divided between his two sons Alfred and
Benjamin. If one-third of Alfred's legacy be taken from one-fourth of Ben-
jamin's, the remainder would be $11.00. What was the amount of each


Two partners named Smugg and Williamson have decided to take a Mr.
Rogers into partnership. Smugg has 116 times as much capital invested in the
business as Williamson, and Rogers has to pay down $2,500.00, which sum
shall be divided between Smugg and Williamson, so that the three partners
shall have an equal interest in the business. How shall the sum be divided?
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