536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1
Miscellaneous Combinatorial Puzzles 181

1bree men in a competition had each six shots at a target, and the result is
shown in our illustration, where they all hit the target every time. The bull's-
eye scores 50, the next ring 25, the next 20, the next 10, the next 5, the next 3,
the next 2, and the outside ring scores only 1. It will be seen that the hits on
the target are one bull's-eye, two 25's, three 20's, three lO's, three 1's, and two
hits in every other ring. Now the three men tied with an equal score.
Next morning the Colonel asked his family to show the exact scoring
of each man. Will it take the reader many minutes to find the correct answer?


The Crackham family were comfortably accommodated at the "Blue Boar"
at Puddlebury. Here they had the luck to come upon another guest who was
clearly engaged in solving some sort of puzzle. The Colonel contrived a con-
versation with him, and learned that the puzzle was called "Tom Tiddler's
"You know," said the stranger, "the words, 'I am on Tom Tiddler's ground
picking up gold and silver.' Here we have a piece of land marked off with 36
circular plots, on each of which is deposited a bag containing as many dollars

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