536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1
Answers 229


We have to solve the indeterminate equation 344x = 265y + 33. This is
easy enough if you know how, but we cannot go into the matter here. Thus x
is 252, and y is 327, so that if he buys 252 horses for $344.00 apiece, and 327
bullocks for $265.00 apiece, the horses will cost him in all $33.00 more than
the bullocks.


The man bought 75 turkeys at 80¢ each, making $60.00. After retaining 15
he sold the remaining 60 at 90¢ each, making $54.00, as stated. He thus made
a profit of 1O¢ each on the 60 birds he resold.


He must have had 168 each of dollar bills, half dollars, and quarters,
making a total of $294.00. In each of the six bags there would be 28 of each
kind; in each of the seven bags 24 of each kind; and in each of the eight bags,
21 of each kind.


The explanation is simply this. The two ways of selling are only identical
when the number of apples sold at three for a penny and two for a penny is
in the proportion of three to two.
Thus, if the first woman had handed over 36 apples, and the second woman
24, they would have fetched 24¢, whether sold separately or at five for 2¢.
But if they each held the same number of apples there would be a loss when
sold together of l¢ in every 60 apples. So if they had 60 each there would be
a loss of2¢. If there were 180 apples (90 each) they would lose 3¢, and so on.
The missing penny in the case of 60 arises from the fact that the three a
penny woman gains 2¢, and the two a penny woman loses 3¢.
Perhaps the fairest practical division of the 24¢ would be that the first
woman receives 9l6¢ and the second woman 14'12, so that each loses l6¢
on the transaction.
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