536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1
340 Answers

all being put in their proper places. Write out the numbers in their original
order, and beneath them in their required order, thus:

7 24 10 19 3 12 20 8 22, etc.
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, etc.

The construction of the cycles is obvious, for I in the bottom row is ex-
changed with the 7 above it, then this 7 with the 20 above it, and so on until
the cycle completes itself, when we come to 24 under 1.


Let the men move in the following order: 2-1,3-2,4-3,5-11,6-4,7-5,8-6,
9-7,1-13,9-10,8-9,1-12,7-13,6-8,5-7,1-11,4-12,3-6, 2-5, 1-1,2-2,3-3,
4-4,5-5,6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9, and the sergeant is in his place in 28 moves.
The first number in a move is that of a man, and the second number that
of his new position, the places being numbered I to 10 in the row, and the re-
cesses II to 13 above.


In the first case move the pairs in the following order: 67 before the I, then
34, 7 I, and 4 8 to the vacant spaces, leaving the order 64 827 I 5 3.
In the second case move 3 4 and replace them as 4 3 before the I. Then re-
move and reverse 6 7 (as 7 6), 6 5 (as 56),3 I (as I 3), and 6 8 (as 8 6), leaving
the order 4 8 6 2 7 I 3 5-five moves in this case.


Though we start with the A's in correct positions, the puzzle can only
be solved by making them change places. Represent the A in the bottom row
with a capital letter, and the A in the top comer with a small letter. Then here
is a solution in 36 moves: A N LEG AN G C I A N G C I AN GeL E a
ANG ILCIL aECaL I (36 moves).
[Dudeney's solution is not minimal. Can the reader find a way to solve it
in 30 moves?-M. G.]

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