358 Answers
[Victor Meally has found a better solution that requires only five transac-
8 0 11 5
8 11 0 5
8 I3 3 0
8 8 3 5
8 8 8 0
The simplest way of showing the solution is as follows: At the top we have
four vessels, in the second line their contents at the start, and in every sub-
sequent line the contents after a transaction:
80-pt. 80-pt. 5-pt. 4-pt.
can can jug Jug
80 80 0 0
75 80 5 0
75 80 I 4
79 80 1 0
79 80 0
74 80 5
74 80 2 4
78 80 2 0
78 76 2 4
80 76 2 2
Thus we first fill the 5-pint jug from one of the cans, then fill the 4-pint jug
from the 5-pint, then empty the 4-pint back into the can, and so on. It can
be followed quite easily this way. Note the ingenuity of the last two transac-
tions-filling the 4-pint jug from the second can and then filling up the first
can to the brim.
The thick line in the illustration shows a route from London to Tipperary