General Election, A, 171, 381
Generous Gifts, 3, 225
Geometrical Progression, 75, 282
Going to Church, 156,365
Golf: Competition Puzzle, A, 172,383; Queer,
Grapes, A Bunch of, 164, 372
Grasshoppers' Quadnlle, 137, 342
Greek: Cross Puzzle, 121, 326; Crosses, Three
from One, 122, 326
Gnndstone, Sharing a, 98, 298
Grocer, The Thrifty, 8, 229
Groups, Domino, 193,397
Gun, The Rejected, 58, 269
Handcuffed Prisoners, The, 178, 389
Hands, Mistaking the, 15,234
Heptagon Puzzle, A, 148, 353
Hellagon: to Diamonds, 207, 407; Folding a,
127, 334; The Magic, 149, 354; to Square,
Hidden Star, The, 87, 289
Highwaymen, Juvenile, 65, 275
Hill Climbing, 16,235
Hole, Coin and, 217, 413
Honey, The Fly and the, 112, 313
Hopscotch Puzzle, A, 165,373
Horses: and Bullocks, 7, 229; The Seventeen,
Horseshoe. Game, The, 185,392; Puzzle, A,
House Number, The, 53, 265
Householders, The Four, 101,302
How Far Was It?, 27, 244
Hurdles: Puzzle, A, 92, 292; and Sheep, 201,
Improvised: Checkerboard, The, 119, 323;
Chessboard, 126, 333
In a Garden, 91, 292
Ingenious Match Puzzle, An, 203, 404
Inspecting the Roads, 160, 368
Intelligence Tests, 219, 414
Insh Jaunt, An, 29, 244
Index 423
Iron Cham, The, 79, 283
Irregular Magic Square, An, 141,344
Is It Very Easy?, 142,345
Jaunt, An Insh, 29, 244
Journey, The Fly's, 110, 311
Jugglmg with DigIts, 39, 256
Juvenile Highwaymen, 65, 275
Keg of Wine, The, 151,356
Keys and the Rmg, The, 219, 414
Labor, Unrewarded, 4, 225
Ladder, The, 106, 307
Lamp Signalling, 178, 388
League, The Red Death, 8, 230
Leap: Frog Puzzle, A New, 131, 338; Year
Puzzle, 217, 413
Lease, The Length of a, 69, 277
Left, Rlghtand, 15,234
Legacies, Puzzling, 6, 228
Legacy: Dividing the, 6, 228; Puzzle, A, 6, 227
Length of a Lease, The, 69, 277
Letter: E, Dissecting the, 114, 316; -Figure
Puzzle, 50, 263; Multiplication, 49, 263
Letters, Figures for, 47, 262
Lilivati, 1150 A.D., 67, 275
Lme, Four in, 174, 384
Lines: Crossing the, 154, 361; and Squares,
Little Tram Puzzle, A, 28, 244
Locating the Coins, 79, 284
Longfellow's Bees, 66, 275
Loose Cash, 3, 225
Loss, Countmg the, 74, 281
Luncheons, City, 175, 386
Madam Problem, A, 163, 371
Magic: Fifteen Puzzle, 132,338; Hexagon, The,
MagIC Square: Conditional, 144, 347; Delu-
sion, A, 141,344; A Four-Figure, 143,347;
An Irregular, 141,344; Swastika, 142,345;