536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1

424 Index

Magistenal Bench, The, 171, 381
Making: a Pentagon, 83, 284; a Square, 122,
327; Squares, 63, 273
Maltese Cross, The, 116, 319
Man and the Dog, The, 21, 239
Map: Coloring the, 170,380; A Swastikland,
170,380; Theorem, the Four-Color, 169,377
Marching an Army, 69, 277
Market Transactions, 5, 226
Markmg a Tennis Court, 152,359
Match Puzzle: A, 202,403; An Ingenious, 203,
Match Trick, A, 204, 405
Matchboarding Order, A, 75, 281
Matches: Counting the, 207, 407, Squares with,
207,407; The Three, 206, 406; The Twenty,
202, 403; Twenty-six, 205, 406
Maypole Puzzle, A, 106, 307
Measure, The Damaged, 173, 383
Measunng the River, 105, 306
Mechanical Paradox, A, 100,301
Meeting: Cars, The, 28, 244; Trams, 23, 242
Menagerie, A, 68, 276
Mental Arithmetic, 72, 279
Metrodorus (310 A.D.), 12
Mice, Cats and, 78, 283
Mike's Age, 12,231
Military Puzzle, A, 87, 288
Milk: and Cream, 63, 274; Delivering the, 152,
Miller's Toll, The, 50, 263
Mines, Avoiding the, 102,303
Missing Penny, The, 8, 229
Missionaries and Cannibals, 171, 382
Mistaking the Hands, 15,234
Mr Grindle's Garden, 84, 285
Mrs. Simper's Holiday Tour, 161,369
Mrs. Wilson's Family, 11,231
Misunderstanding, A, 33, 248
Mixing the Wine, 151,357
Money, Pocket, 7, 228
Monkey and Pulley, 76, 282
Monkeys, Feeding the, 64, 274
Monmouth Tombstone, A, 159,367

Moon, Dissecting the, 103, 304
More: Bicycling, 19,237; Curious Multiplica-
tions, 73, 280
Motorcyclists, The Russian, 93, 294
Mount Neverest, Explonng, 22, 240
Mountain Top, At the, 220,414
Mouse, Pussy and the, 51, 264
Mudbury War Memorial, 76, 282
Multiplicand, Curious, 42, 258
Multiplication: Dates, 72, 279; Domino, 197,
400; Letter, 49, 263; Simple, 44, 260
Multiplications: Curious, 57, 269; More
Curious, 73, 280
Multiplying the Nine Digits, 42, 258
Musical Enigma, A, 213, 410
Mutilated Cross, The, 115,318

Name: The Engineer's, 214,411; Their Wives,
Necklace PrOblem, The, 175,386
New: Domino Puzzle, A, 192, 395; Match
Puzzle, 201, 402; Partner, A, 6, 228; Street
Puzzle, A, 53, 265
Nine: Barrels, The, 41, 258; Bridges, The, 155,
363; Men in a Trench, 135, 340; Squares
Game, The, 187,394
Nine DigIts: The, 41, 257; Multiplying the, 42,
1900, In the Year, 13, 232
1927, The Year, 70, 277
Nougat Puzzle, The, Ill, 312
Numbers, Find the, 42,258
Nuts: A Bag of, 64, 274; Distributing, 65, 274

Octagon, Folding a, 128, 335
Odds and Evens, 45, 260; 133, 339
Orchard Problem, The, 70, 277
Out and Home, 28, 244

Packing Cigarettes, 112, 313
Palindromic Square Numbers, 34, 250
Paradox Another Wheel, 100, 30 I; A Cube,
109,310; A Famous, 99, 300; A Mechanical,
100, 301
Paradoxes, Two, 216, 412
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