536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1

Partner, A New, 6, 228
Party, Seating the, 179, 389
Passenger, The Pedestnan, 23, 241
Pat and His Pig, 105, 307
Patchwork: Cushion, The, 126, 333; Quilt,
The, 118,322
Path, The Garden, 84, 286
Pat in Mnca, 77, 282
Pavement Puzzle, A, 75, 282
Pavements, Tessellated, 119, 324
Pedestal: Puzzle, The, Ill, 312; The Stone,
Pedestnan Passenger, The, 23, 241
Peg Puzzle, A, 166,375
Penrues: The Four, 138, 342; The Six, 138,
343; A Square with Four, 212, 409; The
Twenty, 166, 374
Penny, The Missing, 8, 229
Pentagon: The Card, 148, 352; Folding a, 127,
334; Makmg a, 83, 284; Strip to, 129,336
Perfect Squares, 60, 271
Perimeters, Equal, 55, 267
Perplexed Banker, The, 4, 226
Pickleminster to Quickville, 20, 238
Pig, Pat and His, 105, 307
Pirate's Flag, The, 116, 320
Pisa, the Tower of, 75, 281
Planning Tours, 162,370
Plantation, The Tnangular, 96, 295
Planting Puzzle, Tree, 165, 374
Pocket Money, 7, 228
Postage Stamps: Folding, 130, 337; Puzzle,
The, 71, 279
Poultry Poser, A, 9, 230
Pretzel, The Austrian, 109, 311
Pnce: of a Garden, The, 94, 294; Reductions
in, 7, 228
Primes, Digits and, 40, 256
Printer's Problem, The, 67, 276
Prisoner, Catchmg the, 136, 341
Pnsoners, The Handcuffed, 178, 389
Problem: 286; of the Extra Cell, 124, 329; of
the Missing Cell, 124, 330; for Surveyors, A,
Product, Sum Equals, 56, 268

Index 425

Progression: Digital, 38, 254; Geometrical, 75,
Progressive Squares, 144,347
Prohibition: Again, 151, 356; Poser, A, 150,
Proportional Representation, 62, 272
Prosperous Business, 10, 230
Pussy and the Mouse, 51, 264

Quadnlle, Grasshoppers', 137,342
Quadrilles, Les, 194, 397
Quarrelsome Children, The, 59, 270
Quartette, The Repeated, 33, 247
Queer. Addition, A, 61, 272; Arithmetic, 207,
407; Division, 37, 253; Golf, 179, 389;
Settling Up, 10, 230
Question: of Cubes, A, 62, 272; of Transport,
Questions: Six Simple, 61, 272; Twenty, 58,
Qwlt, The Patchwork, 118, 322

Race: A Bicycle, 28, 244; The Staircase, 16,
Rail Problem, A, 80, 284
Railway: Routes, 160,369; Shunting, 134,339
Rectangle, Dommo, 197,401
Red Death League, The, 8, 230
Reductions in Pnce, 7, 228
Rejected Gun, The, 58, 269
Relationship, Surprising, 213, 411
Releasing the Stick, 218, 413
Repeated Quartette, The, 33, 247
Representation, Proportional, 62, 272
Reversing the Digits, 37, 254
Ribbon, Buying, 60, 271
RIde, The Bus, 27, 244
RIder: The Dispatch, 19, 237; in Flanders,
Ridmg in the Wind, 17,236
Right: Angles, At, 16,234; and Left, 15,234;
Wrong to, 48, 262
RIver: Crossing the, 172,382; Measuring the,
Roads, Inspecting the, 160, 368
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