426 Index
Robinson's Age, 13, 233
Root Extraction, 36, 253
Rope, The Bell, 106, 307
Rose Garden, The, 92, 293
Roses, Shamrocks, and TIustles, 148, 354
Routes, Railway, 160, 369
Rowing Puzzle, A, 18, 236
Rug, The Damaged, 126,334
Runners, The Puzzle of the, 20, 238
Runner's Refreshment, The, 22, 239
Running Puzzle, A, 90, 291
Runs, Sixteen Straight, 162, 370
Russian: Cyclists Again, Those, 93, 294; Motor-
cyclists, 93, 294
Sawing and Splitting, 64, 274
Scales, The False, 30, 245
Scissors, The Entangled, 219, 414
Seating the Party, 179, 389
Selhng Eggs, 50, 264
Sequences, Domino, 196, 399
Serpent, The Siamese, 164,372
Settling Up, A Queer, 10, 230
Seven: Applewomen, The,S, 227; Children,
182,390; -Pointed Star, The, 146,351; The
Solitary, 43, 259
Sevens, Threes and, 36, 253
Seventeen Horses, The, 54, 266
Sharing: a Bicycle, 18, 236; a Grindstone, 98,
298; Sheep, 69, 277
Sharing the Apples, 59, 270; 64, 274
Sheep: The Flocks of, 50, 263; Hurdles and,
201,402; Sharmg, 69, 277; Stealing, 68, 276
Ships, The Two, 20, 238
Shootmg Blackbirds, 72, 279
Shopkeeper's Puzzle, The, 48, 262
Short Cuts, 73, 280
Shuftbng, Card, 2 II, 408
Siamese Serpent, The, 164, 372
Sidecar Problem, A, 19,237
Signalling Lamp, 178,388
Simple: Addition, 212, 409; ArIthmetic, II,
23 I; Division, 46, 26 I; Multiplication, 44,
Sinking the Fishing Boats, 156, 364
Sister, Brother and, 12, 232
Site, Choosing a, 95, 295
Six: Cottages, The, 174, 384; Pennies, The,
138, 343; -Pointed Star, The, 145, 349;
-Sided Figure, A, 205, 405; Simple Ques-
tions, 61, 272; Straight Fences, 103, 304,
Submarines, The, 107, 308; Zeros, The, 72,
Sixteen Straight Runs, 162, 370
Size, Three Times the, 204, 405
Skeleton: An Absolute, 45, 260; A Complete,
44, 259; 46, 26 I
Snakes, The Two, 215, 412
Snow, FootprInts in the, 158,367
Solitaire, Counter, 130, 338
Solitary Seven, The, 43, 259
Sons, The Farmer's, 101,303
Splitting, Sawing and, 64, 274
Square: and Cross, 121,326; of Digits, A,4O,
257; A Domino, 192, 396; Family, A, 13,
232; Finding a, 39, 255, with Four Penrues,
A, 212, 409; Hexagon to, 114,316, Magic,
see Magic Square; Making a, 122, 327;
Numbers, Palindromic, 34, 250; of Squares,
120, 324; and Triangle, 128, 336, Triangle
and, 123, 328
Square Table Top, 113,315; 125,331
Squares: Accommodating, 63, 273; Blocks and,
70, 278; Difference, 142, 344; and Digits, 32,
247; Digits and, 39,255; Domino Hollow,
195,399; Find the, 63, 273, The Five, 204,
404; Forming, 63, 273; Lines and, 83, 285;
Making, 63, 273; with Matches, 207, 407;
Perfect, 60, 27 I; Progressive, 144, 347; and
Triangulars, 60, 27 I; Two Domino, 196,399;
Two in One, 125,332; of Veneer, The, 113,
Squares and Cubes, 56, 268; 63, 273
Squaring. the Circle, 97, 297; the Digits, 38,
255; a Star, 114,317; the Swastika, II5, 319
Squirrel's Climb, The, II 1,312
Staircase Race, The, 16, 235
Stairs, The Subway, 26, 243
Stamps, Postage, see Postage Stamps
Star: The Crescent and the, I 18, 322; A
Domino, 193, 396; The Five-Pointed, 145,