Star: (cont.)
347; The Hidden, 87, 289; The Seven-
Pointed, 146, 351; The Six-Pointed, 145,
349; Squanng a, 114,317
Stars and Crosses, 121, 325
Stealmg, Sheep, 68, 276
Stepping Stones, 214, 411
Stick, Releasmg the, 218, 413
Stolen Balsam, The, 151, 357
Stone Pedestal, The, 108, 309
Stones, Stepping, 214, 411
Stools, Table Top and, 123, 328
Straight Line, Drawing a, 104, 304
Street Puzzle: A New, 53, 265, Another, 53,
String, Economy in, 108, 308
Strip to Pentagon, 129, 336
Submanne Net, The, 156,366
Submannes, The Six, 107, 308
Subway Stairs, The, 26, 243
Sugar Basins, The Three, 79, 284
Suit: Changing the, 123, 328; The Cost of a, 9,
Sum Equals Product, 56, 268
Summing the Digits, 38, 254
Sums, Alphabetical, 47, 261
Surpnsing Relationslup, 213, 411
Surveyors, A Problem for, 85, 286
Swarm of Bees, The, 68, 276
Swastika: The Domino, 191, 394; Magic
Square, 142,345; Squanng the, 115, 319
Swastikland Map, A, 170, 380
Tablecloths, Three, 91, 291
Table Top and Stools, 23, 328
Table Top, Square, 113,315; 125,331
Tangrams, 221-22
Tank Puzzle, The, 110, 311
Target Practice, 180, 390
Task, The Bricklayer's, 104, 306
Tea, Weighing the, 32, 246
Teas, Blending the, 78, 283
Ten: Barrels, The, 177, 388; Cards, The, 188,
Index 427
Tennis Court, Marking a, 152, 359
Tessellated: Pavements, 119,324; Tiles, 176,387
Tests, Intelligence, 219, 414
Their Ages, II, 231; 12, 232
Thirty-seven: Dividing by, 35, 251; Division,
Another, 36, 251; Puzzle Game, The, 186, 392
Thirty-six Letter Puzzle, The, 177,387
Three: Brothers, The, 53, 264; Cars, The, 26,
243; Dice, The, 186, 392; Different Digits,
37, 253; Drovers, The, 61, 272; Fences, The,
97, 297; Greek Crosses from One, 122, 326;
Matches, The, 206, 406; Sugar Basins, 79,
284; Tablecloths, 91, 291; Times the Size,
204, 405; Workmen, The, 65, 275
Threes and Sevens, 36, 253
Thrifty Grocer, The, 8, 229
Tic Tac Toe, 185,390
Tiddler's Ground, Tom, 181, 390
Tiles, Tessellated, 176, 387
Time' An Awkward, 215, 412; What Is the?,
Timmg the Car, 16, 235
Tipperary, The Way to, 152,358
Toll, The Miller's, 50, 263
Tom Tiddler's Ground, 181,390
Tombstone, A Monmouth, 159,367
Tour: A Car, 161, 369; The Fly's, 159, 368;
212, 410; Mrs. Simper's Holiday, 161, 369
Tours, Planning, 162, 370
Tower of Pisa, The, 75, 281
Train Puzzle, A Little, 28, 244
Trains: Meeting, 23, 242; The Two, 19, 237
Transactions, Market, 5, 226
Transferring the Counters, 131,338; 132,338
Transferring the Figures, 60, 272
Transplanting the Trees, 166,374
Transport, A Question of, 27, 244
Tree Planting Puzzle, A, 165,374
Trees, Transplanting the, 166, 374
Tnangle: Find the, 71, 278; Puzzle, A, 88, 289;
and Square, 123,328; Square and, 128,336
Triangles: Counting the, 91, 292; The En-
circled, 164,372; Equilateral, 206, 406
Triangular Plantation, The, 96, 295
Tnangulars, Squares and, 60, 271