536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1

428 Index

Trick: A Card, 59, 270; A Match, 204, 405
Turkeys, Buying, 8, 229
TIuning the Die, 186, 392
Twenty: Matches, The, 202, 403; Pennies, The,
166,374; Questions, 58, 269
Twenty-four, Expressing, 41, 257
Twenty-six Matches, 205, 406
Twenty-two: Bridges, The, 156, 367; Game,
The, 187, 393
Two: Additions, 33, 247; Cubes, 62, 273; Digits,
The, 34, 249; Domino Squares, 196, 399;
Eight-Pointed Stars, 146,352; Fours, The, 34,
248; Paradoxes, 216, 412; Ships, The, 20, 238;
Snakes, The, 215, 412; Squares in One, 125,
332; Trains, The, 19,237

Unlucky Breakdowns, 76, 282
Unrewarded Labor, 4, 225

Veneer: Cutting the, 125, 332; The Squares of,
Victoria Cross, The, 115, 318
Vote, A Critical, 52, 264

Walking: Problem, A, 29, 245; Puzzle, A, 17,
War Memorial, The Mudbury, 76, 282
Water: Gas, Electncity, and, 153,360; Measure-
ment, 151,357
Way to Tipperary, The, 152, 358

Weighing: the Baby, 30, 246; the Goods, 30,
245; the Tea, 32, 246
Weight of the Fish, The, 78, 283
Weird Game, A, 4, 226
Westmmster Clock, 16, 235
What Is the Time?, 14, 233
Wheel: Fallacy, A, 98, 299; Another Paradox,
100, 30 I; The Flanders, 136, 341; Puzzle,
The, 149,354
Wheels of the Car, The, 98, 298
When Did the Dancing Begin?, 15,234
Whole Numbers, Fonrung, 38, 254
Wilson's Farnily, Mrs., 11,231
Wily Puzzle, A, 165, 373
Wind, Riding in the, 17,236
Window: The Donjon Keep, 89, 290; Panes,
Flies on, 175, 386; The Square, 90, 291
Wine' The Keg of, 151,356; Mixing the, 151,
With Compasses Only, 83, 284
Wives, Name Their, 5, 226
Working Alone, 66, 275
Workmen, The Three, 65, 275
Wounded, Counting the, 55, 267
Wrong to Right, 48, 262

Year 1900, In the, 13,232
Year 1927, The, 70, 277

Zeros, The Six, 72, 279
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