536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1
46 Arithmetic & Algebraic Problems

    Can you restore this division
    problem by substituting a figure
    for every asterisk without altering
    or removing the sevens? If you
    start out with the assumption
    that all the sevens are given and
    that you must not use another,
    you will attempt an impossibility,
    though the proof is difficult; but
    when you are told that though no
    additional sevens may be used in
    divisor, dividend, or quotient, any
    number of extra sevens may be
    used in the working, it is com-
    paratively easy.



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It will be remembered that a
skeleton puzzle, where the figures are
represented by stars, has not been
constructed without at least one figure,
or some added condition, being used.
Perhaps the following (received from
W. J. W.) comes a little nearer the
ideal, though there are two division
sums and not one, and they are
related by the fact that the six-figure
quotient of the first happens to be the
dividend of the second. There appears
to be only one solution.
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