536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1

74 Arithmetic & Algebraic Problems

Down-I. reads both ways alike; 2. square root of 28 across; 3. sum of 17
across and 21 across; 4. digits sum to 19; 5. digits sum to 26; 6. sum of 14 across
and 33 across; 7. a cube number; 9. a cube number; 10. a square number; 12.
digits sum to 30; 14. all similar figures; 16. sum of digits is 2 down; 18. all
similar digits except the first, which is I; 20. sum of 17 across and 27 across;

  1. a multiple of 19; 22. a square number; 24. a square number; 26. square of 18
    across; 28. a fourth power of 4 across; 29. twice 15 across; 30. a triangular
    number; 32. digits sum to 20 and end with 8; 34. six times 21 across; 35. a cube
    number; 37. a square number; 38. a cube number.

An officer explained that the force to which he belonged originally consisted
of a thousand men, but that it lost heavily in an engagement, and the survivors
surrendered and were marched down to a prisoner of war camp.
On the first day's march one-sixth of the survivors escaped; on the second
day one-eighth of the remainder escaped, and one man died; on the third day's
march one-fourth of the remainder escaped. Arrived in camp, the rest were
set to work in four equal gangs.
How many men had been killed in the engagement?

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