536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1
86 Geometrical Problems

it was impossible without some further measurements; the mere length of one
side, seven rods, was insufficient.
What was his surprise when I showed him in about two minutes what was
the area! Can you tell how it is to be done?


This is a problem that is very frequently brought to my notice in various
forms. It is generally difficult, but in the form in which I present it it should
be easy to the cunning solver. A man has a square field, 60 feet by 60 feet,
with other property, adjoining the highway. For some reason he put up
a straight fence in the line of the three trees, as shown, and the length of
fence from the middle tree to the tree on the road was just 91 feet.
What is the distance in exact feet from the middle tree to the gate on the


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