Java The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition

(Greg DeLong) #1
Part I presents an in-depth tutorial of the Java language. It begins with the basics,
including such things as data types, control statements, and classes. Part I also discusses
Java’s exception-handling mechanism, multithreading subsystem, packages, and interfaces.
Of course, Java’s newer features, such as generics, annotations, enumerations, and autoboxing
are covered in detail.
Part II examines key aspects of Java’s standard API library. Topics include strings, I/O,
networking, the standard utilities, the Collections Framework, applets, GUI-based controls,
imaging, and concurrency.
Part III looks at three important Java technologies: Java Beans, Swing, and servlets.
Part IV contains two chapters that show examples of Java in action. The first chapter
develops several applets that perform various popular financial calculations, such as
computing the regular payment on a loan or the minimum investment needed to withdraw
a desired monthly annuity. This chapter also shows how to convert those applets into servlets.
The second chapter develops a download manager that oversees the downloading of files. It
includes the ability to start, stop, and resume a transfer. Both chapters are adapted from my
bookThe Art of Java,which I co-authored with James Holmes.

Don’t Forget: Code on the Web
Remember, the source code for all of the examples in this book is available free-of-charge on
the Web

Special Thanks
Special thanks to Patrick Naughton. Patrick was one of the creators of the Java language. He also
helped write the first edition of this book. For example, much of the material in Chapters 19, 20,
and 25 was initially provided by Patrick. His insights, expertise, and energy contributed greatly
to the success of this book.
Thanks also go to Joe O’Neil for providing the initial drafts for Chapters 27, 28, 30, and 31.
Joe has helped on several of my books and, as always, his efforts are appreciated.
Finally, many thanks to James Holmes for providing Chapter 32. James is an extraordinary
programmer and author. He was my co-author onThe Art of Javaand is the author ofStruts:
The Complete Referenceand a co-author ofJSF: The Complete Reference.
November 8, 2006

xxx Java: The Complete Reference

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