Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

396 Agriculture and the Environment

National Institute of Agricultural Research from
Ecuador see INIAP
national policies 39–41
natural capital 24–6, 55, 73
natural ecosystems 171–2, 174
see also ecosystems; nature
natural enemies see predators
natural habitats see nature
natural resource management (NRM) 7–8, 257–
frameworks and methodology 238–42
gender differences 234–56
local groups 258–61
programme inventory 254–6
ecological design 297, 302–4, 306–7
education 9
farms as natural habitat 6, 201–13
human relations 217–18, 220, 225, 227, 229,
307, 373–4
interdependent systems 139
politics 6–7
soil system management 361
woman relationship 219–20, 221, 223, 235–6
see also wildlife/wildness
navigation channels 64
needs assessments 355
negative externalities 26–7, 54
see also externalities/external costs
neighbourhood mutual-aid 282–3
network groups
connectedness 239, 258–9
ecosystem services 151–2, 153–4, 155–6
gender 236–7, 239, 241, 243
household communication networks 281–5
neurobehavioural functions 86, 90
neurotoxicity 86, 103, 112
New Richland, Minnesota 333–56
New York City 34
Newton, Isaac 294
NGOs see non-governmental organizations
niche diversification 170
nitrate treatment 57, 60
nitrogen in soil 359, 360–1, 362, 366
nitrogen oxides (NOx) 60
nitrous oxide 27
no-till systems 187, 365
see also conservation tillage
non-crop vegetation in pest control 322–3,
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 151,
154, 196
non-use taboos 150
non-use values 55
norms 258, 259–60
see also institutional structures
North America 40
see also United States of America
North Shaanxi, China 274–90
Northern Andes see Andes region
NOx see nitrogen oxides
NRM see natural resource management

cycling 169–70
eutrophication 30–1
soil system management 359–62, 366
oats 129
obesity 31
off-stream costs of soil damage 65
Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) 266–8
Olsson, P. 154, 155, 157
Ooi, Peter 184
OP see organophosphates
open-field farming 129–30
OPM see organic pest management
option value 55
organic architecture 301–2
organic farming 34, 41, 42, 373–5, 377, 382
organic pest management (OPM) 192
see also biological pest control; integrated pest
organic soil inputs 362–4, 366
environment construction 374
life history strategy 122
organization concept 265–6
organizational innovation 285–8
organizational intelligence 311
organochlorines 105–7
organophosphates (OP) 105, 112
Orr, David W. 9, 293–317
OTA see Office of Technology Assessment
outcomes, feedback loop 24–5
output intensification 181
over-production 18
owl pest management programmes 188–9
packages, agroecosystem analysis and development
paddocks 205–6
paddy rice fields 29–30
Pakistan 126–7
Palmquist, Dave 211
paradigm change 367, 369
see also first-paradigm approaches; second-
paradigm approaches
parasitism 324
see also predators
participation, community development 336–7,
340, 342, 348–9, 351
participatory observations 105, 110–11, 277–8
pastoral farming see livestock farming
pathogens 32–3, 57, 58–9, 69–71
see also diseases
patriarchal structures 220–1, 223, 230
Pearce, David 26
pecuniary externalities 54
perennial crop diversification 322
personal protective equipment (PPE) 85, 87–9,
92–3, 97–8, 193
pest control/management 9–10, 172–3, 175,
318–32, 366
see also integrated pest management
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