Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 397

pesticides 3–4
agroecosystem sustainability 125
alternatives 326
Andes region 82–96
biodiversity damage 66–9
exposure effects 85–7, 88
external costs 26–7
health costs 27–8, 58–9, 71–2, 85–7, 89–93,
Indian cotton 97–116
national policies 41, 42
rice 6, 189, 190
treatment 60
USA 17–21
vegetables 178–9, 192–4, 195–7
Peterson, G.D. 153
petroleum assessment 357
Philippines 26
phorate granules 105
phosphorus 360
physical capital 24
physical dimension of soil 361
Pimentel, D. 67, 68, 71
place-based social relations 239, 243
place-making 313–14
planning community development 343, 347–9,
plants 20, 359, 362, 378–9
see also crops
Plato 303
ploughing programmes 282
foodborne 32
pesticides 4, 21, 68, 71–2, 82, 86–8, 91,
collective resource management 257
ecosystem management 140, 147
environmental damage 37–41
food costs 2
gender differences 249–52
integration 39–40
IPM programmes 190
national 39–41
Trade-off Analysis 89
political agency 224–5, 228–31, 308, 340–1
politics and nature 6–7
Pollan, Michael 378
pollinators 67, 327, 373, 374, 376
‘polluter pays’ principle 2, 37–8
climate change 295
costs 25–7, 53–4
economics 24
policies 37–8
production costs 53–4
UK 131
USA 16–17
water resources 57–61
polycultures 148–9, 319
see also diversification
population growth effects 364–5

population regulation in agroecosystems 170
positive externalities 34, 54, 75
see also benefits analysis
post-industrial communities 10
post-war farming 263–73
potato farming 82–96
potential environmental costs 75
poverty 8–9, 236, 269, 274–90, 368–9
power structures 340–6, 348–9
PPE see personal protective equipment
prairie land 201–2, 204, 375, 376, 380
integrated pest management 180, 182–5,
190–1, 194–5
losses 67
vegetational diversification 319–21, 322–3, 324,
predicted disease outbreaks 187
preservation values 64
Pretty, Jules N. 1–11, 22–52, 55, 60, 129, 156,
234–62, 274–90
costs relationship 25
ecological design 308
Trade-off Analysis 89
vegetables 178–9, 193
private externalities 54
private-public partnerships 350–1
agroecosystems 167–8
China 276–7, 280–1, 284
costs 53–81, 85
industrialized systems 22–3, 53–81
NRM crop programmes 255
reducing 18
USA 18, 53–81
vegetables 192
agroecosystems 123–7, 131–2, 133–4
soil system management 357–8, 362, 364–5,
368, 370
profile modification method 361
programme costs 55
property rights 53, 257–8, 261
property values 64
protectionism 131
protective equipment see personal protective
‘provider gets’ principle 2, 37–8
public action, chemicals 21
public externalities 54, 55
public-private partnerships 350–1
puddling practices 187
pump-priming principle 362
Puritanism 372
quarantined invasive organisms 20
questionnaires 241, 278–9
racism 223
radiation 17
rape pollen beetles 324
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