Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
The Struggle to Govern the Commons 133

126 E. Moran, ed., The Ecosystem Approach in Anthropology: From Concept to Practice (Univ. of Michi-
gan Press, Ann Arbor, 1990).
127 M. Janssen, J. M. Anderies, E. Ostrom, paper presented at the Workshop on Resiliency and
Change in Ecological Systems, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, 25 to 27 October 2003.
128 T. Princen, Global Environ. Polit. 3, 33 (2003).
129 K. Lee, Compass and Gyroscope (Island Press, Washington DC, 1993).
130 Text in this illustration was adapted from text drafted by Lilian Marquez-Barrientos and Edwin
Castellanos ( 68 ).
131 G. G. Stuart, Nat. Geogr. Mag. 182, 94 (1992).
132 E. G. Katz, Land Econ. 76, 114 (2000).
133 S. Elias, Petén y los retos para el desarrollo sostenible in encuentro internacional de investigadores:
nuevas perspectivas de desarrollo sostenible en Petén (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales,
Guatemala City, Guatemala, 2000).
134 Figure 5.3 was produced and interpreted by a group of scholars associated with the Center for the
Study of Institutions, Population, and Environmental Change at Indiana University.
135 S. A. Sader, D. J. Hayes, J. A. Hepinstal, M. Coan, C. Soza, Int. J Remote Sensing, 22, 1937
136 ParksWatch, Tikal National Park,
137 A recent report in U.S. News & World Report (171) strongly verifies the satellite data and illumi-
nates the causes of continuing deforestation in the Laguna del Tigre National Park since the most
recent satellite image in Figure 5.3, taken in 2000. The reporter wrote: ‘Since the end of the civil
war in 1996 desperately poor farmers and rich cattle ranchers have been pouring into this vast,
virgin rain forest. In the past five years, more than 5000 homesteaders have illegally built homes
and set fires to clear the land for corn and cattle. In 2003, [Dr David] Freidel’s first year of excava-
tion here [at the “El Peru” archaeological site], the flames got so close – about 2 miles away – that
he had to pull workers off the ruins to dig fire lines to save the camp... The ground fires have so
far burned an estimated 40 per cent of the park, which is supposed to protect a lake that is one of
the most important wetlands in the world’ (online at
138 E. F. Moran, E. Ostrom, eds., Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Human-Environment Interactions in
Forest Ecosystems (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005).
139 C. L. Abernathy, H. Sally, J. Appl. Irrig. Stud. 35, 177 (2000).
140 A. Agrawal, in The Drama of the Commons, Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global
Change, National Research Council, E. Ostrom et al, eds. (National Academy Press, Washington
DC, 2002), pp41–85.
141 P. Coop, D. Brunckhorst, Aust. J. Environ. Manage. 6, 48 (1999).
142 D. S. Crook, A. M. Jones, Mt. Res. Dev. 19, 79 (1999).
143 D. J. Merrey, in Irrigation Management Transfer, S. H. Johnson, D. L. Vermillion, J. A. Sagardoy,
eds. (International Irrigation Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka and the Food and Agri-
culture Organization, Rome, 1995).
144 C. E. Morrow, R. W. Hull, World Dev. 24, 1641 (1996).
145 T. Nilsson, thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (2001).
146 N. Polman, L. Slangen, in Environmental Co-operation and Institutional Change, K. Hagedorn, ed.
(Elgar, Northampton, MA, 2002).
147 A. Sarker, T. Itoh, Agric. Water Manage. 48 (no. 8), 9 (2001).
148 C. Tucker, Praxis 15, 47 (1999).
149 R. Costanza et al, Science 281, 198 (1998).
150 T. Dietz, P. C. Stern, Bioscience 48, 441 (1998).
151 E. Rosa, A. M. McWright, O. Renn, ‘The risk society: Theoretical frames and state management
challenges’ (Dept. of Sociology, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA, 2003).

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