Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
French Quality and Ecolabelling Schemes 407

N farmers again had the lowest mean score, but in this case AB farmers had the
highest score. This is what was originally expected. SOQT farmers, as in the first
test, performed relatively well environmentally, better than IP and SOQ farmers.
Once again, CDC farmers did not perform as well as farmers in other quality and
ecolabelling programmes. Multiple comparisons of the mean scores show that AB
farmers performed significantly^5 better than farmers in all other categories except
for those in the SOQT and IP categories.

(3) Three additional ANOVA analyses conducted in which quality and ecolabel
categories containing a limited number of observations were combined. The
N, AB and SOQ categories remained separate, but the SOQT, CDC and IP
categories were combined into a new category labelled O, for others.

  • A first ANOVA was conducted with this grouping to examine the relation-
    ship between quality/ecolabel categories and farm size, as measured by the
    MBS variable. Results indicate that the AB farms are smallest in terms of this
    economic ‘value added’ measure, and SOQ farms are the largest. Farmers not
    involved in any quality or ecolabelling programme are the second largest, on

Figure 18.2 ANOVA for quality codes and PS1 + PS2
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