Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
French Quality and Ecolabelling Schemes 413


1 See Bertramsen et al (2002) for a brief comparison of ‘quality’ and ‘ecolabelling’ schemes in
France and the US.
2 The AB belongs to the SOQ category.
3 The CCP correspond to a specific quality CDC, but it can be considered as a certified label only
if it is associated with the European ‘Indication Geographique Protegee’ (IGP) label. This latter
certifies an origin quality. Therefore, we classify the CCP among what we call the CDC labels.
4 For more complete and detailed results of the empirical analyses, see Bertramsen (2002).
5 All references to significant differences, henceforth, refer to the 5% level.


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