454 Agriculture and Food Systems
see also cereal crops; individual types; plant...;
Crowley, E. 66–7
CSA see Community-supported Agriculture
Cuba 11–12, 259, 415–30
cultural context
commodity reconstruction 441–2
food politics 85
modernization of agriculture 41
cultural values 159
cytokinin 91, 97–101, 105
DALY see disability adjusted life year
dams 148–9, 158
nutrition transition 242
quality labelling schemes 402–5
DD Marketing 355–7, 359–60
death rates, China 197
deficiency diseases 273–4
deforestation 124–5
see also forests/forestry
degenerative diseases 241, 275, 277, 279–80,
283–4, 306
degraded resources 210
demand for food 1, 190, 193–4, 209, 327
see also consumption of food
demand-based valuation methods 376–7
demographics 195–200, 240–1, 243–8, 276
Denmark 233–4
Department for International Development
(DFID), UK 152–3
DeRose, Dan 355–7
developed countries see higher-income countries;
individual countries
developing countries
biodiversity 207
diet-related diseases 274–80, 283–4, 290–2,
297, 307
hunger 1, 7
obesity 2
pesticide impact 23–4
productivity 8
resource-conserving agriculture 209–22
see also individual countries; lower-income
development schemes/studies 6–7, 145–63,
DFID see Department for International
diabetes 241–2, 253, 257–8, 262–5, 301–2, 305
DIALECT diagnosis tool 404
diarrhoeal diseases 290, 303, 305
diets 8–10, 223–361
diseases related to 270–313
food industry influence 314–39
‘healthy’ diet definition 317–18
physical activity relationship 253–7
transitions 1–2, 240–69
wholeness 225–39
see also nutrition transition
Dietz, Thomas 6, 116–34
diffusion of technology 60, 61, 67–8
dignity 174
Dinuba, California 40
direct costs 294
direct energy 18
disability adjusted life year (DALY) index 290–1,
295, 305
discomfort 181
discounting 157
crops 35, 428
diet-related 270–313, 319
foodborne 303–6
health definition 225
livestock 76–7, 79, 446
overabundance effects 315
transitions 240–2, 252–3, 265
see also individual diseases; pest...
Disney, Walt 341–8
see also Walt Disney Company
Disneyland 343, 345–7, 348, 354
displacement 148–9
diversification of agriculture 415–30
see also mixed farming
diversity by context and person 176–7
diversity... see also biodiversity
Douglas, Mary 82
Dr Pepper beverage 356–7
dream research 350
dried herbs 424
drought-tolerant rice 95
drug treatments 295
ducks 424–5
E. coli 303, 304
East Africa 297
Eastern Europe 296
‘eat more’ strategy 314–17, 331–41
eating, act of 84
eco-labelling 11, 398–414
eco-realities of rural development 432–6
ecoagriculture 7, 206–8
ecological modernization 12, 431–50
costs of disease 291–5, 302, 305–6
ecological modernization 12, 433–4, 436–
foodsheds 10, 365–8
growth 194–5, 204, 241–53, 280, 336
irreversibility concept 157–8, 161, 162
settlement schemes 138–40, 143–4, 146
wheat farming 46
see also socioeconomic factors
ecosystems/ecosystem services 159, 206–7
Ecuador 182, 184
education 285, 295–6, 307
see also learning
effectiveness of settlement schemes 154–6
efficiency in water use 215–7
Egger, Garry 289
Egypt 181, 183–4
electrification 250–1