Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 455

embodiment 83–5
see also body...
emission reductions 217–18
employment 170
see also labour
empowerment 88–115, 436–46
endangered species 203
endrin 25
energy consumption 18–20
energy outcomes 249
income/nutrition relationship 251–2
physical activity 253–7
urban diets 244–5, 278–9
see also calorific intake
environmental benefits of eco-labelling 398–
environmental change 156–7, 160–1
see also climate change
environmental costs
farm gate 376–81
of improvement 15–58
transport 385–7
UK weekly food basket 375–97
environmental determinants of obesity 289
environmental governance 116–34
environmental justice 436–7
environmental sociology 431–50
epidemiological transition 240, 276
erosion of soil see soil erosion
Eskimo diets 234–5
ETa see actual evapotranspiration
Ethiopia 28, 30, 147, 172, 180–1, 189
ethnographic approaches 76
ETp see potential evapotranspiration
European Union (EU)
biodiversity loss 34
Common Agricultural Policy 398, 411–12
diet-related diseases 291, 296, 305–6
ecological modernization 431–50
localized food systems 11
migration 198
politics of food 76–7, 83–4
population density 196
industrialized systems 375–6
settlement schemes 144
evapotranspiration 216–7
exclusion 182–3, 439–40
exhaustion 182
exit ease, settlement schemes 148–9
experimentation 68–9
see also adaptation of technology
expert claims 84
exports 381, 384
extension agencies 427
external costs
eco-labelling 400
farm gate 382–4
industrialized systems 376
subsidies 388
transport 385–93
UK weekly food basket 376–8, 380–93

external inputs 4–5, 16, 59–74
extinctions 203
factor analysis 405–6
factories 421
see also industrialization
good relations 174–5
one-child-family policy 199–200
poverty effects 189
social change 39–41, 42
famines 197–8, 199, 241
see also starvation
FAO see Food and Agriculture Organization
farm gate costs 375–97
farm systems
food industry influence 322–3
industrialized agriculture 375–6
resource-conserving agriculture 211–12
‘farm value’ of food 328
farmer empowerment see empowerment
Farmer Field Schools (FFS) 62–4, 66–8, 108
farmer-level quality schemes 399
Faroe Islands 232–3
fast food 10, 323, 326, 329–30, 340–60
see also ‘junk’ foods; processed food
fats 251–2, 253–4, 316, 320, 322, 328
Faucheux, S. 158–9
fear 183, 188
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 351
fertilizers 17, 18, 426
see also soil fertility
FES see Food Expenditure Survey
FFS see Farmer Field Schools
film studios 353–4
financial costs
diet-related diseases 291–5, 302, 305–6
family farming 41
settlement schemes 138–40, 143
financial instruments 123
Finland 151
fish/fisheries 116–17, 119, 121, 124, 384
flexibility of settlement schemes 141
flooding practices 100–1, 105, 146
flowers 426
folic acid 273–4
ill-being indicator 180–1
well-being indicator 172–3
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
211–12, 242, 244, 271, 274–5, 291
‘food deserts’ 437, 440
Food Expenditure Survey (FES) 381
Food Guide Pyramid 318, 321–2, 333, 335
food industry
definition 322
fast-food chains 340–60
influence 314–39
food miles 375–97
food poverty 306
see also poverty
food-preparation technologies 250
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