456 Agriculture and Food Systems
food-related diseases 270–313
food safety 303–6, 337
food scandals 75–87
food security 173, 203, 206
food systems
industrialized agriculture 375–6
localized 10–12, 78–9, 362–450
overview 1–3
see also global food systems
foodborne diseases 303–6
foodshed analysis 363–4, 370–2
foodsheds 3, 10, 363–4
foot-and-mouth disease 79, 446
Fordism 344
forests/forestry 124–6, 210, 437–9, 444
formative role of rural sociology 431, 436
fossil fuels 18–20
Foucault, Michel 83
Fowler, Cary 33
fragmentation of dietary advice 226–7
France 11, 327, 398–414
freedom of choice/action 176
Froger, G. 158
Frouws, J. 431, 433, 435–6
fruits 227, 230, 301, 409–10, 424
frustration 183–4
FTC see Federal Trade Commission
fuel see energy consumption
full costs of weekly food basket 375–97
confidence in 176
powerlessness 184
garden produce 393, 419–24
gender 177, 199, 248–53, 260–2
see also women
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) 75, 77–9
genetics 21, 34–5, 264, 319
germination of rice 95–8
Gertz, Arthur 364, 371
Ghana 170, 173–4, 185
Giglioli, E.G. 154
Gilgit Agency 227, 228
Girardin, P. 399–400
global food systems 3–6, 14–134
commons governance 116–34
costs 394
foodsheds 363, 364–5, 367–70, 372
politics 75–87
global warming 19–20, 119
see also climate change
GMOs see genetically modified organisms
GNP see gross national product
Goldschmidt, Walter 40–1
Goldstein, Oscar 348
good life see well-being
good relations in family/community 174–5
governance of commons 6, 116–34
government involvement
ecological modernization 445–6
settlement schemes 138–68
see also policies; subsidies
governmentality 83–5
graded bunds 30–1
grain crops 190–6
see also rice
Great Leap Forward, China 197
Greece 296
Green Revolution 88, 89, 95, 416
Greenland 229, 232–3, 234–5
grief 186–7
Grolleau, G. 411
gross domestic product (GDP) 294
gross national product (GNP) 242–5, 251–
groundfish 117, 121
group methods 69, 72
see also network groups
Guatemala 124–6
Haber, Heinz 346
HACCP see Hazards Analysis Critical Control
happiness 184–5
Happy Meals, McDonalds 352–3
Hardin, Garrett 6, 116
harmony 174–5, 184–5
Hartford Food System 367
Haub, Carl 200
Hazards Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
health/health costs 8–10, 223–360
contamination impacts 16–17
definition 225
expenditure levels 291–5
food industry influence 314–39
food-related diseases 270–313
food scandals 76–7
nutrition transition 1–2, 240–69
pesticides 22–6
transport 385
UK weekly food basket 385, 389–90
well-being 173–4
whole diets 225–39
‘healthy’ diet definition 317–18
heart disease see cardiovascular conditions
Heasman, Michael 9, 270–313
helplessness 183–4
Hendrickson, John 363–74
herbicides 22–3, 219–20
herbs 419–22, 424
Herzegovina 176, 187
Hewitt de Alcantara, Cynthia 42–3
Heywood, V.H. 205
Hiding Hand principle 150
high-input agricultural systems 16, 18, 20
high-yielding theory (HYT) 90, 91–2, 99–100,
High Yielding Varieties (HYVs), rice 106
higher-income countries 241, 245–6
see also individual countries
hillside farming 62
Hindhede, Mikkel 233–5
hired labour 64