Index 457
Hirschman, Albert 150
Hispanic obesity 248
histograms, yield growth 214
holistic approaches 80–2
Hollywood film studios 353–4
home, transporting food to 387
Honduras 60–9
‘hotspots’ of biodiversity 207
household technologies 250–1
housing factors 181
Hue, C. 158–9
human capital 59, 68–70
human ecology 117–18
human health see health/health costs
humiliation 185–6
hunger 1, 6–8, 137–222, 274, 306
see also malnutrition; starvation
hunter-gatherers 35, 241
Hunza people 8, 227–32, 235, 236
hybrid rice varieties 106
hygienic mode of regulation 445–6
HYT see high-yielding theory
HYVs see High Yielding Varieties
IASO see International Association for the Study of
IBRFP see Indo-British Rain-fed Farming
Iceland 232–3
idealism 140
IHC see Interfaith Hunger Coalition
ill-being 178–84
definition 7
modernization of agriculture 9
multidimensionality 169, 180–4
psychological experience 184, 185–9
see also diseases; health/health costs
importation 190, 195, 381, 384
costs of 15–58
definition 6–7
In Process (IP) label 402, 403, 407
in-row tillage 62, 64, 65–8
Incas 232
income factors 194, 248–53, 255–6, 329, 336
biodiversity 33–5, 37
diets 227–32, 235, 236, 301–2
diseases 301–2
energy consumption 18–19
grain production 192–3
obesity patterns 260, 261
pest resistance/resurgences 21
quality of life 174, 179, 184, 186
settlement schemes 147, 148–9, 152, 154
social change 47–9
soil conservation 30–1
indigenous soil conservation systems 26
indirect costs 294
indirect energy 18
Indo-British Rain-fed Farming Project (IBRFP)
biodiversity 32, 36–7
pest resistance/resurgences 21–2
quality of life 170, 174, 185
social change 43–4
soil erosion 27–8
China 190–3
developing countries 210
ecological modernization 12
farm and food systems 375–6
nutrition transition 1–2, 9, 248–50
pesticide impact 23
see also food industry; modernization of
infectious diseases 273
see also communicable diseases
adaptive governance 120–1
LEIT projects 64–5, 73
quality labelling schemes 412
see also knowledge
infrastructures 123–4, 149–50
INGOs see international non-governmental
INIFAT see National Institute for Fundamental
Research on Tropical Agriculture
Inman, Mason 119
input-level quality schemes 399
input... see also external inputs
insects/insecticides 21, 25
insecurity 183
institutional approach to food politics 75
institutional arrangements 116, 119–20, 123–4,
institutional interfaces 438
institutionalization 433
integrated models
high-yielding rice plants 103–6
nutrient management 210
urban agriculture 428–9
integrated pest management (IPM) 21, 62, 67–8,
210, 219–20, 428
Integrated Rural Development Projects 150
intensification of agriculture 5–6, 16, 203–6,
see also System of Rice Intensification
intensive vegetable gardens 419–23
intercropping practices 31–2
interfaces, rural development 438
Interfaith Hunger Coalition (IHC) 372
intermittent irrigation 99–101, 106–7
International Association for the Study of Obesity
(IASO) 272
international non-governmental organizations
(INGOs) 154–6
Internet marketing 351
intrinsic values 159
Inuits see Eskimo diets
involuntary resettlement 148–9
IP label see In Process label
IPM see integrated pest management