458 Agriculture and Food Systems
irreversibility concept 137–68
irrigation systems
China 192
rice 99–101, 106–7
settlement schemes 137–40, 142–7, 150, 154
water productivity 216–7
Yaqui Indians 42
ischaemic heart disease 289, 290
Ishkomanis people 228
isolation 182–3
Israel 147
Jacobson, Michael 358
Jamaica 173–5, 178, 181, 185
Japan 19–20, 40–1, 191–2, 194–5, 284–5
Java 27–8, 43–4
Jiang Zemin 200
‘junk’ foods 317
justice 175, 436–7
Kar, Kamal 151
Kassam, A.H. 108
Kenmore, Peter 22
Kenya 29, 31, 60–9, 137–8, 140–7, 150
Kephaliacos, C. 399
King, Professor 236–8
Kloppenburg, Jack 3, 10, 363–4
knowledge-intensity 59, 65
Kordon, H.A. 97
Korten, Frances 154
Kroc, Ray 340–8
Kyoto Protocol 123
Kyrgyz Republic 170–1, 175–6, 178, 185–7
Label Rouge (LR) 398, 401–2, 404, 408–10
labelling schemes 11, 398–414
China 195, 198
LEIT 59, 63–4, 66
sectoral distribution 249
social change effects 38–40, 47–9
soil conservation 26
urban agriculture 416–7
Walt Disney Company 344–5
well-being 170
see also working life
labour-intensive farming 59, 63–4
lacto-vegetarian diets 229
Laguna del Tigre National Park, Guatemala 125–
land scarcity, China 190, 195
landfill transportation 387
Lang, Tim 9, 11, 270–313, 375–97
Laos 32
larger-portions strategy 335–6
Latin America
biodiversity 31
migration 199
nutrition transition 253, 258–61
obesity 259, 260–1, 284
quality of life 179
resource-conserving agriculture 212, 218
see also individual countries
Latour, Bruno 85
lawfulness 175
LBW see low birth weight
learning 72, 137–45, 155–6
see also education
leisure activities 248–53
LEIT see low external input technology
Leopold, Aldo 370
Lesotho 28–9
less/least developed countries see lower-income
Lien, Marianne Elisabeth 5, 75–87
life cycle studies 226, 239, 281
Lifetime Learning Systems 359
Lindahl, Goran 149
‘Liquid Candy’ study 358
Listeria monocytogenes 304, 305
livelihood strategies 47–8, 181, 206
livestock farming
biodiversity loss 34
bureaucratic professionalization 446
consumption increase 2
crop integration 428–9
diseases 76–7, 79, 446
environmental costs 378–80
integrated models 210, 428–9
modernization of agriculture 44–6
quality labelling schemes 409–10
resource-conserving technologies 210
UK consumption 384
urban agriculture 425–6, 427, 428–9
whole diets 230, 232–5
see also meat foods
Lobao, Linda 41
lobster fisheries 116–17
local communities 2–3
local institutions 49, 71–2
localized food systems 10–12, 78–9, 383–450
adaptive governance 126
costs 375–97
global impact 120
urban agriculture 415–30
Lockeretz, W. 65
lodging rice 103
Loevinsohn, Michael 25
Lohr, L. 400
loneliness 182–3
longevity 318–9
Lopez, A.D. 289–91
loss factors
biodiversity loss 32–5
external costs 381, 384
ill-being 186–7
low birth weight (LBW) 263, 265, 273, 281
low external input technology (LEIT) 4–5, 59–74
low-input agricultural systems 18, 20
lower-income countries 240–69
see also developing countries; individual
LR see Label Rouge