Index 459
MA see Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
McCarrison, - 226–9
McDonaldland 348, 353, 354
McDonalds 340–60
Macnaghten, P. 85
McNeal, James U. 349–50
McNeely, Jeff 7, 203–8
Maine state 116–17
Malawi 170–1, 173–4, 176–7, 179, 185
Malinowski, B. 81–2
malnutrition 280–3
see also hunger
Malthus, Thomas 7
management practices
biodiversity effects 206–7
SRI 90–1, 95–102, 103–6
urban agriculture 428
manure 231, 237–8
see also compost
marginalization 434, 439–40
market relations 365
marketing 314–17, 326–33, 342, 347–60
see also promotional strategies
Marsden, Terry 12, 431–50
MASIPAG programme, Philippines 37
mass production 344
material dimension
ill-being 180–1
well-being 171–6
Matsushima, S. 94, 102–3
Mauritius 285
Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR) 124–6
MBS index 403, 407–8
mean changes in yield growth 213, 215
nature as 369–72
nutrition transition 243
meat foods 230, 232–5, 254, 279–80, 327, 328
see also livestock farming
mechanization of agriculture 18, 43
see also technologies
media influence 84, 330–3
medicinal plants 424
mega-cities 247
men 177
see also gender
mesocotyl 96
meta-theories 432, 433
metabolic programming 257–8, 263
methodological uniformity, LEIT 71
Mexico 30, 33, 41–3
microbial decomposition 100
microbial response enhancement 105
Middle East 279, 284
middle-income countries 241, 258–62
see also individual countries
Midi-Pyrenees region, France 401, 402, 404–5
migration of people 195, 199, 246, 248
miles see food miles
milk in diet 230
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) 159
mineral salts 230
Mishra, Abha 5, 88–115
mixed farming 16, 31–3
see also diversification of agriculture
modernization of agriculture 3–4
biodiversity threats 32–5, 205
diets 9
ecological 12, 431–50
environmental costs 15–16, 18–19
social costs 15–16, 18–19, 37–49
see also industrialization
moisture content/seedling growth 96
Mol, A. 431, 433, 435–6
money, lack of 181
monocultures 32–4
monopolies 440
Montreal Protocol 117
Mooney, Pat 33
moral economy 365–8
morbidity from pesticides 22–3
Morison, J.I.L. 375–97
diet-related diseases 275, 289–91
leading causes 275
pesticide-related 22–5
transitions 240
Mosse, David 152–3
mother’s role in child diseases 281
motivation 154–6
multidimensionality concept 169, 180–4
multifunctionality concept 108, 400–1, 412
Municipal Urban Farm Enterprises 416, 419
Murray, C.J.L. 289–91
Mwea Irrigation Settlement, Kenya 138, 142, 147
Myanmar 32–3
Myers, Norman 7, 208
Narmada River project 149
Nasayan, D. 7, 169–89
National Food Survey (NFS) 381
National Institute for Fundamental Research on
Tropical Agriculture (INIFAT) 426, 428
National Irrigation Board (NIB), Kenya 146–7
National Urban Agriculture Group, Cuba 418
Native Americans 235–6
natural enemies 21
natural resource management (NRM) 70
nature/natural resources
agriculture relationship 2–3
commensal community 367
ecoagriculture 208
food politics 83–5
as measure 369–72
non-renewable 158
proximate self-reliance 369
resource-conserving agriculture 211–12
rural communities 203–4
social relations 438–9
negative externalities 377, 379
nematocides 22–3
nematodes 305
nested institutional arrangements 127–8
Nestle, Marion 9–10, 314–39