Use of Communication Media in Changing Rice Farmers’ Pest Management 245
accounting for 44 per cent, 52 per cent and 53 per cent of farmers’ applications in
the 1994 pretest, 1996 post-test and 1997 post-test, respectively (Table 12.3).
Farmers’ targets in the 12 districts were also the same, with 40 per cent of the
sprays used for rice leaf folder control. The types of insecticides and farmers’ belief
that insecticides can be harmful to health (Table 12.5) have also remained rela-
tively unchanged. Methamidophos, monocrotophos and methyl parathion [all
Figure 12.2 Rice farmers’ insecticide applications in different crop stages in Tan Tru
and Tan Thanh districts, Long An province, in August 1994 just before the introduction
of the media materials, 18 months after in February 1996 and 31 months after in
March 1997
Table 12.3 The main pest targets of farmers’ insecticide sprays
Percentage of sprays
In study sites, Tan Tru and Tan Thanh
pretest post-test
Targets August 1994 February 1996 March 1997 In 12 districts
Rice leaf folders 33.4 37.0 43.8 39.5
Other leaf feeding insects 10.2 14.7 9.0 12.1
Stem borers 10.1 25.9 8.0 22.4
Thrips 14.0 6.1 8.5 5.5
Brown plant hoppers 28.0 7.6 12.4 11.5
Others 43 8.7 8.3 9.0